Saturday, November 8, 2014

New Mommy Life

Over these past weeks of being a new mom, I have learned some things I wanted to share with soon-to-be mommies or for other moms to have a little giggle. I do know my little warrior is rather different than most babies but I’d like to think others can relate to most of these things.

v  You can never, ever have too many diapers in your diaper bag. The one day you think oh I’ll just bring a couple is the same day you’re sitting in the pediatricians office while your newborn stinks each diaper seconds after you put it on her leaving you running to the store to get more before finishing your errands.
v  Always use the bottle stoppers when going out an about or you will be THAT mom with breast milk leaking all over the place.
v  Go ahead and accept your shirts will NEVER not have drool, milk or vomit on them. Moms are probably the ones that can rock that drool-stained shirts like the bad asses we are.
v  It’s okay to not know if you’re rocking your little one to sleep or rocking to keep your extremely sleep deprived self calm. Just keep rocking, just keep rocking, just keep rocking.
v  Realize there is never such thing as too much coffee and why has no one put coffee holders on car seats?! I can’t carry a baby, diaper bag, AND my eye lid opener cup at the same time! Actually, I can and will look like a boss while doing it (no one will see us struggle)
v  You will stare at more poop than you ever thought possible and unless it’s really bad you will not be as grossed out as you think.
vDon’t feel bad if you just get tons of pictures of your little one crying, use these as “laughing cards” later when you need a little pick me up. They’re little drama queens anyways.
v  I use to think that I could only sing lullabies to my little one, then  realized she has no clue what I am saying. Even Eminem’s Rap God can lull a baby to sleep, if you say it softly. So sing, whatever type of music of your choice. These are our little creations anyways so who’s to say they don’t love a good rap beat or a Modest Mouse song? There is only so much Twinkle Twinkle blah blah blah we can take, right?
v  You will be more tired than you ever thought was possible.  Tired crying is totally acceptable, we won’t tell anybody I promise.
v  The first weeks are like the Aladdin Movie “A Whole New World” but, of course without the magic carpet ride and 3 wishes and more like feeling like the depressed Genie . Alone, blue and with this huge jiggly belly. It will get better, I promise.

Above all, laugh; it is all we have at the end of the day to keep us sane. Between stinky diapers, crying babies, or spit up covered clothes every mom goes through it and survives so just laugh.  These days go by so quickly and you should cherish them all even the sticky, stinky ones. : )

Hope these “tips” help some of you out, even if it’s just for a good laugh.  I’ll continue to keep a running list of things s we continue our journey. Much love to my fellow sleepy, tired, moms out there. We can do it! 

F.U. mom