Hello all. We have been so incredibly busy recently. I bought a car!!! And then it broke down..... Hopefully will be fixed by Monday. (Fingers crossed) Also, I broke my phone by dropping it in my cup that had literally less than an inch of water in it. I'm using a friends old one and it takes the worst pictures and randomly shuts down whatever app I'm using.....oh the joy! Adalynne is over 12 lbs now and almost 9months old.... Like woah, time has flew by. Over the past month things started off excellent! Like so good I thought (maybe we will make it to a year).. I should've known better. A few weeks ago things started to downfall. And we both are dealing with the typical allergies that come around this time of year. Feedings have became less and less and episodes have increased. For the past few days she refuses to keep formula down. Doesn't matter how much she has eventually she will throw it alllll up, all over everything. Have I said I hate laundry? Adalynne is sleeping more and more... I found myself waving some of my cinnamon roll in her face to attempt to wake her up this morning. Because, who doesn't want to be woken to the smell and deliciousness of a warm fresh cinnamon roll? It didn't work.... She wined at me and then....went into an episode. And I cried and told her "I'm sorry babe but you haven't ate hardly at all I had to try" sucks but its the truth. She gags at most things now. Except tomato soup which I found out yesterday she loves. Or maybe its because it was in my bowl and moms plate is always better than the kids. Either way, she ate it AND keep it down.Then I mixed it with mashed potatoes and she loved that too. She keeps this up I'll mix her formula in the tomato soup! Hahahaha. We make our own rules and I've gotten into the happy place of acceptance. Yep, my baby makes weird noises and people stare at me and say mean things. I laugh at them. Three seconds of looking at her and BAM you're in love. Haha She is really a beautiful human and soul. Some days things still get me. I can't look down the barbie aisle without tearing up. And the stupid baby yogurt company makes me so mad I yelled profanity at the boxes of yogurt... You can't have stages like sitting, crawling, and walking. We will never do any of those three things. So OBVIOUSLY Adalynne is wayyyy too cool for them. I won't waste my money on companies that exclude us... I'm still salty if you guys can't tell!
Besides for her decline in health I've started becoming overwhelmed. And I have to take a moment to thank a few people. Besides my family who fight with me and love us. Jessica and Angel have been my rocks. Like big huge fucking boulders for me to lay and cry on. They both know when I'm getting to that point where my brave face paint is wearing off and my sleep deprived brain is fried. I love you both and thank you for always being here and telling me its okay to not be strong every second. I couldn't get through each day with you both and all my other friends who check in on us and keep me going. We love you all so much. And thank you all for keeping up with us and sending us love.
Much love to all the beautiful souls out there reading this. Until next time. <3 <3 <3
Oh yeah!!!!! She cut her first tooth!!!!!!!!!!!! And we hate teething! Weeeeee!
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